At last, live music is back – and it is for a good cause!
The concert series ‘Mahnwache für Musikkultur Live’ is a vigil that reminds us of the social value of live music culture, especially in times of a pandemic. While cultural life is still heavily restricted, we musicians of the Museumsorchester are giving public concerts that are freely accessible in the heart of the city. After months of silence, a real live music experience is finally possible again – and it is for a good cause!
Please join us in supporting two important music sponsorship projects. We suggest that you donate to the following organisations:
1. The Nothilfefonds der Deutschen Orchesterstiftung , the emergency relief fund of the German Orchestra Foundation, is collecting money to help freelance musicians who have been particularly affected by the pandemic. For many months, they lost all opportunities for public performances, and it will be a long time before they can stand on their own feet again with events and concerts. To offer these musicians of all styles a perspective, the emergency aid fund supports them with stipends in the #MusikerNothilfe campaign.
2. Through the personal commitment of its members and with the help of sponsorship programmes, the Frankfurt-based association ProMusica e.V. works to give every child direct and personal access to (musical) cultural education. All children should be able to benefit from exposure to good music and, if interested, receive qualified singing or instrumental lessons.
Dr. Ina Hartwig, Head of the Department of Culture of the City of Frankfurt, is a patron of this project.
We would like to thank those in charge at the St. Katharinengemeinde Frankfurt for their hospitality, and Oper Frankfurt and the Frankfurter Museumsgesellschaft for their support!
- Please comply with the hygiene concept of the Katharinenkirche. -